What does scanning qr codes do in Miitomo?

  • Thread starter Gary Johnson
  • Start date
Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson

Dedicated to Poyoism
Towns Folk
What does scanning qr codes do in Miitomo
I think you will get Mii's
I think it sends the ones from your 3DS to your phone, if you don't wanna make them.
The QR codes in Miitomo is so that if you already have a Mii that is made on a 3DS of another persons phone then you can transfer it to your account of Miitomo so if a friend made you a mii on Miitomo then you could transfer it with all of its stats and stuff to your account instead of having to try to make one from scratch.
As the other people said, you can download a mii using QR codes. I dont know much about Miitomo so don't take my word for this, but, I think you can also get Miifotos with it. As I said not sure about this but you could try it I guess. Hope that we helped!