AC:NL What does your house look like?

  • Thread starter 3dsatackman
  • Start date


Master of Fire!
Towns Folk
What does your house look like ? I am posting a pic of my outside and main room, feel feel to give advice and to tell your opinion on it. Also post yours if you would like.
I will likely be getting a picture tour of my house shortly. I actually got pictures a while ago but I changed it a little and have not uploaded them yet
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My house and some of the rooms actually just got all my golden stuff last night the theme in my house is what got me it, thanks to Tohru for helping me get items and the HH showcase helped too ^-^

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Will submit pictures soon, but my house is currently a mixture of different rooms; a minimalist american-styled kitchen, an outdoor-garden-room, a traditional Japanese TV Lounge, and a colourful, randomized bedroom. All expanded to their maximum size, I only lack the back room and basement. I'm hoping to transform my whole house into a cafe! With 7/11 Furnishings, and Cafe/Mart themed placements! ^^
Mine looks like a dumpster right now. I wanted to start again and clean everything up, but ended being tired of playing every day, so I'm back at dumpster state again. I might give it another try, maybe.
My house is pretty small. I only just barely got the second floor in my house and it still has common wall/floor...
My house is really cool. I have a television, a pinball machine, a and a gumball machine. I also have a lot more, but those are some of the cool things in my house. I also have a knight's armor. That's what my house looks like.