What game got you into the series?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date


Towns Folk
It was Pokemon Red for me. It was some time ago though, I was a little kid when I played it. xD

on the original Gameboy. Good times. <3
It was Blue for me and my best friend had Red! Nintendo was so ahead of its time in this era! Remember the little cable you could use to trade Pokemon across! Genius! I remember getting Mankey from him as it was an exclusive, I can't remember the rest!
red. I went through so many AA batteries. Every time I got some money as a kid it went straight on AAs
It would definitely be Pokemon Red. I got that and my first GameBoy on Christmas and stayed up all night playing it :p
Pokemon Red was the first game to get me into the series. I played that game so much when I was younger on the original Gameboy, yet I never did catch all of the Pokemon.
Pokemon Gold for me. Never played Red/Blue but I think that was a good thing because re-visiting Kanto after beating the Elite 4 was like an extra new map
Red. I had a couple friends when I was about 5 or 6 who were playing it a lot and I got hooked afterwards.

Gold/Silver were probably the ones I put the most time into, though.
For me it was Pokemon Crystal. I was in the third grade when I decided to jump on board the Pokemon video game bandwagon instead of just watching the anime. It took me two weeks to find Violet City, but from then on it was smooth sailing and fun. :cool:
I played the old red/blue games, but I didn't really get into the actual games until Crystal version
  • #10
Lol, does the Anime count? That was my (and my siblings) introduction to the franchise. :v

The first games we had were Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Blue (both bought by my brother). We needed Stadium because none of us had a Gameboy. After that my sister got Red and I got Yellow. We all had our respective Pokémon journeys and yeah, that's how we all got into the series.
  • #11
Pokemon Yellow was the first one I got my hands on and then I was hooked.
  • #12
Red was the first I've played, I couldn't stop playing once I got it.
  • #13
Pokemon Blue. I actually got Blue, Pokemon Pinball, and the Pokemon Trading Card Game for Game Boy all from my cousin before I even had a Game Boy, but Blue was definitely what got me hooked from the start.
  • #14
Pokemon Pearl - first pokeymans game I'd ever played and I loved it so much I had to get Platinum, and enjoyed that even more.
  • #15
Red was my first Pokemon game, and I've been hooked ever since. I enjoyed Yellow the most of gen 1 though. G/S/C really sealed my love of Pokemon games. They were absolutely amazing.
  • #16
Pokemon Diamond was what I started with, and it was a really great entry point into the series. After playing Sapphire, I became dedicated to the series, and I've played every installment except for Black 2/White 2. If I had entered on those games, I have a feeling that I would not like Pokemon as much as I do today.
  • #17
I didn't get to play Pokemon until 2010 when my sister bought me a copy of Pokemon Platinum.

I didn't get into competitive (not that I'm very competitive now) until X/Y came out.
  • #18
Pokemon FireRed started my whole adventure of the Pokemon world. I did in fact, have a copy of Pokemon Yellow, but I played that after FireRed. Anyways, FireRed was a great start for my Pokemon adventure, since it started with the 1st region, and was also a great game. After getting hooked on FireRed, I started to play many installments of the Pokemon series. I enjoyed the games so much, I almost got addicted to them. Anyways, I loved the Pokemon series, and I still love them now. If I hadn't played my brother's copy of FireRed, I probably wouldn't be sharing my love for Pokemon as I am doing now.