What game made you disappointed the most?

  • Thread starter SrRyteAway
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New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
For me its gotta be Sticker Star. I really wanted a true TTYD sequal but alas, it didn't happen.

What's yours?
I don't know, but I guess it's Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D. How did they make a dinosaur-fighting game dull? :yawn:

The customization was kinda cool, you could put purple stars and whatnot on your dino, but the actual combat was really simple and boring, you just needed to move to the side when your opponent attacked and then counter-attack.
I think New Super Mario Bros 2 really let me down. I was hoping for something above and beyond NSMB for the DS, but I was pretty disappointed by the lack of any significant change. It was really just the same game with just updated graphics. I haven't even played through the whole game yet since it just feels boring. The lack of a versus mode also is disappointing since that really made the game fun in the first place.
Well, the 3DS game I got most disappointed was Sonic Generations, it was too short and I was expecting the same fun I had with the PC version...
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Yu-gi-oh zexal duel tournament game let me down I heard the cards were lame and I also saw that most xz's card you can't get in the game when I was hearing about this game I thought wow man this game is going to be awesome but it turned out to be a nothing all that,that is why I didn't bother wanting this game.
Mario Party Island Tour

I love the Mario Party series, but this game on the 3DS has been my least favorite. Too much luck and too hard, 1 of the places where you go 1 way or the other, its always 2 people go one way, and 2 people go the other way, and no matter what, I go the bad way.
Kid Icarus: Uprising. I expected great things from this game, but it didn't deliver for me. I instantly got bored of it and it gathered dust. I bought it as a first 3DS game but I didn't progress much as I kept dying. xD
BlazeBlue Clonephantasme : This is a cute little game from the 3Ds e-shop. I bought this game thinking it would be fun and it is. The problems it has however over shadow the fun factor. It's like a beat em up style game with an arena feel. The problems lie in the balance of the battles and there be no save points at all. Once you get to the bosses they become unbelievably hard and just makes you what to rage. This game is not fun at all if you just want a fun pick up and play relaxing beat em up game. This game made me rage a few times and I do wish that I never bought the game. If you like this type of game however you'll find it much more fun and less rage provoking.
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BlazeBlue Clonephantasme : This is a cute little game from the 3Ds e-shop. I bought this game thinking it would be fun and it is. The problems it has however over shadow the fun factor. It's like a beat em up style game with an arena feel. The problems lie in the balance of the battles and there be no save points at all. Once you get to the bosses they become unbelievably hard and just makes you what to rage. This game is not fun at all if you just want a fun pick up and play relaxing beat em up game. This game made me rage a few times and I do wish that I never bought the game. If you like this type of game however you'll find it much more fun and less rage provoking.
I enjoyed it, but I see what you mean. It seemed somewhat rushed and there were several bugs that made it less enjoyable. The Japanese voice acting was kinda funny but terrible.
  • #10
The most dissapointing retail game I´ve got is Tomodachi Life it got boring really quick
The most diassapointing E-shop game I saw but never played was Gummy Bears 3D
Also PKMN X/Y was kinda Dissapointing because the main ponit was the multiplayer and if you are not good at competive Battles you´ll konw how much dat sucks
  • #11
I enjoyed it, but I see what you mean. It seemed somewhat rushed and there were several bugs that made it less enjoyable. The Japanese voice acting was kinda funny but terrible.
It would have been nice if they spent a little more time on it.
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  • #12
Kid Icarus: Uprising. I expected great things from this game, but it didn't deliver for me. I instantly got bored of it and it gathered dust. I bought it as a first 3DS game but I didn't progress much as I kept dying. xD
I have to argue with that...I personally enjoyed the witty banter that went on throughout the chapters, rather than just in cutscenes or dialogue outside of the action. It kept you entertained, and yet, it was dustracting and made the game a bit harder as you listened to Pitscreaming "G-Force in my faaace!"
  • #13
Well, the 3DS game I got most disappointed was Sonic Generations, it was too short and I was expecting the same fun I had with the PC version...
Isn't that version of Sonic Generations just the 2D levels only? If so, I think I'll buy the PC version soon enough on Steam; I love 3D Sonic. :hungry:

As for my pick, I'd say The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Just didn't like it; thought it was very overrated and couldn't get into it. Kind of a shame, I expected something that would blow my mind... but hey, I think I'll like the new Zelda on 3DS a lot more.
  • #14
I havent played so many 3ds games, but the most disapointing 3dss game is in my opinion New super Mario bros2. It was just like New super Mario bros on the ds, and I got bored of it quickly. Like sodajet said, it was a shame that this game didnt have any versus multiplayer like the ds one had, because that was the best feature the game had. If I wanna play co-op Mario, I play the wii game.
  • #15
Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I'm all up for innovation but there comes a point where it's just too much. The sticker system was just awful, incredibly gimmicky. If you didn't have the right item for a certain area, you're forced to backtrack. The game was tremendously short compared to the rest of the Paper Mario games(6 "worlds" and one of them simply being for the final boss while the previous titles had 8 chapters each with their own dedication section and a lot of content in each world.) Also, no post-game content? Really? Come on guys, there's no excuse for that especially when you deliver a poor amount of content.

Well I will say it's not a bad game per se but it definitely is a major disappointment to the fanbase. Super Paper Mario may have been different too but at least that one delivered a great amount of content to still be enjoyable. It's even worse for me when I bought it for the full $40 at the time it came out and the doofus at gamestop convinced me to get a download code for it. Now it's forever on my 3ds and I can't sell it back :(
  • #16
Tomodachi Life is really boring. Maybe it is fun for kids
  • #17
Pokemon X/Y because the whole game is too easy and I would think they make it more challenging like their previous entries, plus the organization "Team Flare" looks so stupid and the man villain is lame and no good ice-pokemon (ice type is my favorite).
  • #18
Hometown story 3DS thought it be lively and full of fun things to do ..
instead all I got was a empty and badly repetitive and sometimes confusing game,
trying to remember everything was a pain in my booty .. it was disappointing coming from a big name company (Natsume) HometownstoryUSABoxart.jpg
  • #19
So far none of the games I've gotten have disappointed me, fortunately.