What if Nintendo had a Nintendo tracker?

  • Thread starter Jeff The Killer
  • Start date
Jeff The Killer

Jeff The Killer

Go. To. Sleep!
Towns Folk
Not sure if it is a good name, but it would be a app in the eShop that you could sync to your phone and if you ever lose your 3DS you would use the app to locate the lost system. It would beep or make a Nintendo related noise until you found it.

Thought it would backfire if you let you system die.

What'cha guys think?
Awesome!!! I think that it would be fantastic, but something like this is fairly complicated. If your 3ds is off, it can not do wireless communication unless its on or in sleep mode. If its in sleep mode and you lose it, fantastic! You can easily find it. I like your idea a lot though, especially since people take handhelds outside a lot
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It can be complicated if you wanted more reliability on a tracker system for the 3ds. Still though an app like that could really be something useful, in many different situations though I'm never the type of person to lose something which I like, especially my 3ds or other electronics xD
....Naaahhh. You have a better chance of losing your phone than your 3DS XD
I think that this would be a cool system, but, much like Find My iPhone, it probably wouldn't work very well. For example, if the system dies or goes offline, the app becomes fully useless, unable to in any way locate the device or even help you locate your device, much like the previously mentioned app...