What if you could dress Mii's?

  • Thread starter G MAN
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Towns Folk
Did you ever enjoy customizing your character/avatar on the XBox 360? I know I did. Don't you think that would be a great way for Nintendo to advertise? Think about it. You start off with basic items like jeans and jerseys that say Wii U and 3DS. Then, bybuying Mario Maker for example, you get the helmet mario wears. Or for Smash the Smash Bros. Promo T-shirt. But that's just my opinion. Do you want to see costumes for miis? If so, what items do you want?
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That's actually pretty interesting. The idea of your Mii being able to dress in clothes you get by playing 3DS games (or paying if you can't get the game) would be cool. I would love to dress my Mii in a black sports sweater, long dark blue jeans, basketball sneakers, and a hat that compresses my afro, just like in real life.
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I think that would be pretty coo, to be honest. My mii would wear a flannel shirt, some black(or brown) leggings, and some boots to match. I would have a little headband in the same color as my shirt.

For spring and summer I would wear a lace top and a skirt with some flats, or a knee-length summer dress with sandals with a pair of sunglasses or my character holding a parasol.
This opens up a new world to us.
In extension to this, if there's a forseeable sequel to Tomodachi Life, a Mii could simply wear the same clothes as chosen on this wonder-mii-maker. :love:
This is a good idea, but I kind of like the basic clothing colors of the Miis. It's almost like a signature style of its own, and adding regular clothes in Mii Maker might ruin that.

This opens up a new world to us.
In extension to this, if there's a forseeable sequel to Tomodachi Life, a Mii could simply wear the same clothes as chosen on this wonder-mii-maker. :love:
Miitomo might be the closest thing we'll get to a Tomodachi Life sequel, but not all hope is lost.
Mii costumezation really would be great features after all everyone enjoy dressing there character

Personal i have enjoyed dressing the charater in pokemon
x and y , i am everyone else also enjoyed this feature.
i really would like to see dressing feature in next update or something like that
I think the Mii's are fine as is with simple clothing, because there are enough games out there which lets you customize your character, such as Splatoon. They're meant to be representing you in games, so why jazz them up with funky clothes, accessories and shoes? It would take away the originality/uniqueness of the Mii's themselves. :p
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That's such an interesting concept!
I think dressing it up would only work for hats since the Mii "body" (I hope I don't offend anybody with this...) is not very suitable for shirts, if you know what I mean. Shoes could work too I guess. One thing I'd like to see changed are the pants! I'm very color-coordinated so when I favorite a Mii, I cringe at the sight of a yellow top with dark red pants like, "No, please, oh gosh no."
I think that it would be extremely interesting if you could dress your miis in more than just the bland shirt and pants that they are given now. The miis would be much more personal, as is their intent, if this feature were added, although with the Switch's backgrounding of Miis to being completely optional, it seems quite unlikely.