What is the Best Middle Evolved Pokemon?

  • Thread starter anthony91728595
  • Start date


Legendary Collector
Towns Folk
Hi Guys. There are so many Pokemon that have a Baby Form, First and Second Evolutions. I'd like to know your favorite First Evolution so I made this thread. I'd say It would be a tie between Pikachu and Marill. All Marill Evolutions look cute, mostly Azurill. You need to hear Azurill's voice from the anime, AZURILL YOU SOW CWUTE!!!!! And I love Azumarill. Looks Just like a bunny rabbit. I would like to see Azumarill have a Mega with Togekiss and Raichu. Pikachu is very cute in the anime. He is very funny in the first episode of Indigo Leauge and says "Chaaa" When Bonnie pets his tail. He is the best starter in Pokemon Yellow!
Marill and Azurill

Pikachu, Raichu, Pichu, Parichrusu, Plusle, Minun, Emolga and Dedenne
not all the competition's between Marill and Pikachu; Don't forget the Ralts line and Rhyhorn line. Rhydon and Kirlia are pretty powerful in their own rights. Also, who can forget what powerfouses pokemon like Magneton and Magmar were without their third evolutions back in the day? I would say that it COULD be between those two but don't count others out just because you didn't think of them ;)
Best middle evolution? Grovyle. One of the coolest appearances ever and played a really important role in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky. He is just so cool!
not all the competition's between Marill and Pikachu; Don't forget the Ralts line and Rhyhorn line. Rhydon and Kirlia are pretty powerful in their own rights. Also, who can forget what powerfouses pokemon like Magneton and Magmar were without their third evolutions back in the day? I would say that it COULD be between those two but don't count others out just because you didn't think of them ;)
I thinked of them. And I didn't forget the Ralts line
Competitively it's Porygon 2, Dusclops, Chansey, or Doublade for various reasons and still already good stats before putting on Eviolite. In terms of my favorites they would have to be Metapod/Kakuna and Ivysaur (RIP in Pokemon Brawl Ivysaur). Yuo just can't beat the comedic value of the cocoon Pokemon.
Probably ivysaur or wartortle, I don't like charmeleon, I don't know why :x , I like them both because they were starters, and they are actually pretty powerful. In terms of powerful, I would have to say ivysaur, bulbasaur is one of my favorite starters, thats probably why I like I like ivysaur :p
Wow you speaking of Marill and Azurill already has me thinking of those two in PMD : EoSky :p

But I think that my favorite Pokemon in it's second evolution would perhaps be Prinplup, Rhydon, and especially Grovyle ( another PMD reference :D) Sometimes the second evolution to me may look better or worse to the third evolution but those are the one's that I'd say.