What is your favorite pokemon? (2)

  • Thread starter nathan200909
  • Start date

What is your favourite pokemon? (2)

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  • Poll closed .


Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
Same as before but new pokemon this time. discuss about pokemon in the comments.
I will pick Fletchling this time.
It's cute :3
Litleo for the win! It's so cute, and it's a cuddly fire lion! Wow makes me want to breed a whole bunch of them... Kabuto is also cute but Litleo is cuter and better :3. Although I don't really like it's Female final form...
Fletchling is nice, but Talonflame is even better. With that, I ended up choosing Breloom because Techniloom is BEAST :p
Fletching is just so cool :) and cute well but excadrill is so cool as well and looks awesome !!! :)
Litleo for the win! It's so cute, and it's a cuddly fire lion! Wow makes me want to breed a whole bunch of them... Kabuto is also cute but Litleo is cuter and better :3. Although I don't really like it's Female final form...
I agree, my opinion is the same as Rising Link, I love Litleo and its evolve form (Pyroar), but I do like the both versions of Pyroar, Litleo is one of the cutest Pokemon I have seen, and I love how (Pyroar) has two gender forms.