The game has been out for a while now so I'm sure most people have used at least one weapon that they enjoyed using. If you're one of them, what's your favorite weapon in Splatoon 2 so far and why is it your favorite?
Most of the shooters. Particularly, the Sploosh-O-Matic, the custom Splattershot Jr, and the vanilla Splattershot. But that's because I'm bad at everything else, and the kits that comes with those three are useful enough to me.
Curling Bomb + Splashdown for the Sploosh-O-Matic is pretty nice for Turf Wars, in addition to the Splattershot-esque feel of the weapon, because Curling Bombs bounces against walls, all while painting the ground they slide on (and painting the zone where they explode, hence why they're pretty powerful in Turf Wars), and Splashdown offers a way to paint a big zone around you, all while dealing a one-hit KO to all the enemies who wanted to get too close (e. g. Roller users).
Burst Bomb + Splashdown for the Splattershot is also pretty fun. I already told why Splashdown is a pretty nifty special, so I'll skip directly to the burst bomb. The burst bomb, while not nearly as powerful (as in, can't splat in one hit) as all the other bombs, is the bomb that costs the less ink to throw, and explodes instantly on contact, no matter if it's an enemy, the ground or anything. Pretty useful to throw over walls if you can aim correctly, because if there was enemies there, they'll either have to ink the blast radius to remove the slowing effect of your ink, or get out of where they were hiding to fight you. All while being (slightly) damaged.
Auto Bomb + Ink Storm for the Custom Splattershot Jr, because Ink Storm isn't really a conditional special; it's a special you want to abuse to paint inaccessible zones & tell those pesky charger users to find another spot, and Auto Bomb is pretty effective against chargers again, because they tend to stay in one place while they focus someone, so it's an easy splat most of the time. Oh, and while I'm at it: while Ink Storm isn't enough on its own to splat an enemy, having Special Up abilities is all it takes to give it that splatting ability (provided the enemy stay in the zone long enough. If they don't, it still remains an Area of Effect continuous damage special)
Also, I forgot it, but I may sometimes play the infamously, hated, N-Zap '89. Just because it's useful enough to clear potential threats quickly. It comes with the Tenta Missiles, which is a "Have an enemy on the screen, press ZR, and missiles will fly their way to said enemy" special, and said missiles deal damage and ink where they land, and it also comes with the Auto Bomb, which I explained already.
If that's still needed, here are the links on the Splatoon Wiki for the weapons I mentioned:
Custom Splattershot Jr:
N-ZAP '89:'89