What is your opinion on Yoshi's New Island?

  • Thread starter WarioTails358
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Dedede that's the name you should know!
Towns Folk
I personally played it myself, it's no different from the ds title and the snes original. It's just the same concept, make a egg throw a egg. I mean seriously the only thing they added was a GIANT EGG and a GIANT METAL EGG! That dosent sound creative.
And the only difference from the other games is it has better graphics, that's it. So what's your opinion on Yoshi's New Island?
To be honest, I was pretty hyped for this game at first but after watching gameplay and reviews of it... I just got turned off, I had so many good memories playing- Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island, and I don't think this game will hit that sweet-spot of nostalgia that I'm looking for.. I was mostly excited for the gyro-controls "mini-games" that were offered, but I heard those were done terribly, and was hard to control, so I didn't quite bother looking into the game. Overall I'm disappointed. Even though I don't have the game, I think I would've regret buying it (if I bought it).
I played the DS title and don't know why they made this one. I like Wooly World better.
Yoshi's New island looks ok but it's pretty similar with the DS and SNES titles.
Reece I see where your coming from, I played the ds one and it was kind of fun, but it was like the snes on in terms of gameplay and elements. So it's just a handheld snes game built from the ground up.
I love the new supervillain and Yoshi's new moves
It could have been WAY longer. I beat it in like 3 hours :cry:
I've never played it or any of the Yoshi's Island games but many people have given negative reviews for this game. I personally think the gameplay looks fun but the graphics don't look appealing at all, no matter how I look at them. Many people say the original is the best, so I might try that one out before any of the newer (and more expensive) games.
Ehh, I kinda liked the older Yoshi's Island games but this just looks like a quick game made to fill up 3DS release dates. Meh, pass for me. The gameplay looks decent, but the graphics and music just annoy me tbh.
Clearly disappointed after finish this game. Too short, too easy and every secret can be unlock easily even for me who's not really good at any Mario or Yoshi's series. Even the mini game is done terribly not what I hoped for. But it's really relaxing game that I could play it without think harder or using any rage like in other action game. Just simply enjoy the game and listen to the music. Overall for me it's like 6.3/10
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Reactions: Marc
  • #10
It's better than the abysmal DS game, but still isn't that good. Music is horrible but at least it plays decent and it's still fun to explore.
  • #11
Men.. Never really played yoshis games before so I don't have anything to compare it to! I know my older brother played some sort of Yoshi game on the SNES (probably yoshia island.) But it looks to easy and short of a game to be any fun at all really, I don't own it, or plan on owning it at all ever, so doesn't really matter a whole lot to me! I rather games with a challenge! Like OoT3D not easy games with barely a challenge at all.
  • #12
Ignoring the changes, the game has good gameplay, I guess, but almost everything else is mediocre at best IMO. Probably the only 3DS game I'd ever want to return when I complete it.
  • #13
I've heard many people say the gameplay ain't all that, but the graphics look dope! I might get this game eventually, but for now, it's not worth my money. Plus I thought this game was going to be a sequel to Yoshi's Island DS, but it isn't, so that kind of turned me off as well.
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Reactions: Marc
  • #14
To be honest, this game did not introduce much at all. It only had gyro controls and improved graphics as an excuse. But then again. What do newer Mario games introduce, besides some new powerups?
  • #15
Like I said in my review, there's little to no challenge, the game plays and feels the same as past Yoshi's Island games (con), the art style is messy and the soundtrack is annoying as hell. The only thing I can say that's "good" about it is that it's good for kids, and that really shouldn't be what makes a game good.

In all honesty the game is just average.
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Reactions: Marc
  • #16
Well from what I've read and heard it sounds like the music is annoying, the plot is lackluster and random, and the game plays like any other Yoshi's Island title with a few new things and a little easier. Hopefully Wooly World can change Yoshi's new bad rap currently by trying to make the music sound good and by having friendly local multiplayer no one ever had before.
  • #17
I haven't tried it yet but I think it cannot be bad, specially if you say it is similar to the one on the snes. I just got to love that game. What about the powe ups? Are they the same? IS there any new addition?
  • #18
When I tried this game back in June, it only took me a weekend to finish it. It is a really easy game compared to the previous games in this series, and I like some of the new features that were added into this game. I wish the game had more levels though so it could be a bit longer.