What series should have a new installment after so long?

  • Thread starter Giygas
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Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
My pick would be F Zero ", of course. The last F Zero installment was on the GameCube, which was several years back. I believe there should be a new installment of the Ice Climbers as well. What are your picks of series that haven't had another installment for a long time, but should?
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I hope they would revive Earthbound either Ness's story or Lucas's story it doesn't matter, and I hope they revive Duck Hunt believe it or not. Those were my favs when I was a Kid and I really grind 3 hours in both games and the stuff never gets old. I just hope they make 3d games or remakes of them with revised graphics.
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I'm hoping that a Mother 3 remake for 3DS happens, and hopefully it can come to the US as well. When we all first heard of Lucas, it was probably from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and nobody knew who he was. All we knew was that he was from the same series as Ness. With Lucas returning in SSB4, I'm really strong for a Mother 3 remake more than anything.
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Well the M/EB series would make the most money out of things but Nintendo doesn't want free money and they want to work for things. They should make a new installment to Punch-Out!!, Joy Mech Fight (an excellent fighting game), and Wario Land because I haven't seen any as recent as Shake It!.
I hope that they would revive the old school formula of Castlevania. I have seen way too many Castlevania games that have that Metroidvania style after Symphony of the Night. Pretty much after that game, the 2D Platformer style of that game pretty much vanished.
I agree with F-Zero. But I'm pretty sure it will either not happen or not happen the way we expect it. Just see how Melee (skill) evolved into Brawl (random) then into Smash 4 (whatever, no one dies). So maybe F-Zero for Wii U is even already done in the eyes of Nintendo in the form of Mario Kart Wii U with 200cc and F-Zero themed maps.
I agree with F-Zero. But I'm pretty sure it will either not happen or not happen the way we expect it. Just see how Melee (skill) evolved into Brawl (random) then into Smash 4 (whatever, no one dies). So maybe F-Zero for Wii U is even already done in the eyes of Nintendo in the form of Mario Kart Wii U with 200cc and F-Zero themed maps.
I hope not! I would love a F-Zero GX remake at least! Hopefully, if there ever is one, it will also be for PC. What I would really love to play again is a new .//Hack game! It's been 4 years since the last one, what is taking them so long? The manga is still expanding faster than any other series there is, so why aren't the games keeping up?! Another game I want to have a new installement is Two Worlds, which is also in a standstill for the past 4 years. Now, if we are talking about older games, Dungeon Master was truly a gem and I miss the Dungeon Crawler genre! Finally, I want a GUN 2! While not a series, it managed to become the best FPS there is (was actually, but it DID keep the first place for more than half a year!) and a remake would just make people remember this game. It seems like everyone forgot all about it and that's a shame!
I'd say we're over due for another true Devil May Cry game. (not many people liked DMC Devil may cry)
I'd say we're over due for another true Devil May Cry game. (not many people liked DMC Devil may cry)
DMC keeps getting remakes for some reason, there has been a DMC 4, an HD remake, an HD remake of the HD remake, a special edition, a special edition HD remake and so on! They are all basically the exact same thing with just some tiny differences! I really want a DMC 5 too!
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