What should be a new Nintendo console?

  • Thread starter Robinhood2828
  • Start date


Shut up and game
Towns Folk
It's been a couple years since the Wii u release, what do you think about a new console? (With the title Wii in it) Nintendo just came out with splatoon, do u think the Wii u is the last "Wii" console?
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Yes. I think that the wii u is the last wii console that nintendo will ever make. Nintendo also revealed the name of their newest console. It will be called the NX. Nobody except nintendo knows what it stands for. I might get the NX when it officialy comes out. They havent revealed how it looks like too.
I don't know Nintendo NX is out but I doubt they'll just leave the Wii name on the back burner.

Whatever is next (aside from the NX) you know it's going to be cool.
I think Nintendo should make a Virtual Reality system. Can you guys imagine playing Super Mario games AS Mario? I personally think it would be pretty cool, but I doubt my mom would like me hopping around the living room trying to jump on the cat lol