What Should Be my First 3DS game?

  • Thread starter RichGamerton
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Run Home To Mama Now
Towns Folk
I plan to get a 3DS XL in 2015. What should be my first 3DS game? I enjoy so much of them, I can't choose one myself.
I plan to get a 3DS XL in 2015.
If you're getting it in 2015, I recommend waiting a while for the New 3DS.

Fantasy Life is a great game to kick things off with. It has live action gameplay, a class and level system, online multiplayer (you can visit a friend's world and help them defeat monsters, communicate via text, trade items and a lot more). Take note that if you get the DLC, you won't be able to play with non-DLC users.

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Another game I'd recommend is Fire Emblem: Awakening. If you're into strategy, it's really great for that and also offers a great story this time around (not to mention DLC packs that expand on the story to some extent)
ORAS guessing if you are a pokemon fan and is a must play or super smash bros for 3ds a good nice fighting game and you could have fun with friends in both games on here or just online with other people.
@Marc Thank you fot the suggestions. I was actually playing Fire Emblem Awakening on my nephew's 3DS XL and it's pretty cool. I have played the ones on the GBA and the 3DS installment takes the cake. Fantasy Life, however, is news to me. I see it talked about alot on this site but I never really gave it much thought. It looks like a good game based on that trailer you provided so I might check it out.
I'd recommend OR/AS because they're two of the best remakes yet (imo) and if you enjoyed the original Ruby/Sapphire titles then you're in for a treat! ^.^

There are more mega evo's, secret bases and contests return, ride on Latios/Latias in the sky to reach legendary pokemon and much more. :3
@Mikaya Unfortunately, I haven't been keeping up with Pokemon since the GBA days so all of the new features may overwhelm me. But If it's a remake, I should get the overall idea of everything. I appreciate the suggestions :)
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A new 3DS? May I recomened Tales of the Abyss, Persona Q, Shin Megami Tensei IV, or Smash Bros? All really great games. But, first do research before you pick, or you may be dissapointed.
@Mikaya Unfortunately, I haven't been keeping up with Pokemon since the GBA days so all of the new features may overwhelm me. But If it's a remake, I should get the overall idea of everything. I appreciate the suggestions :)
I wouldn't worry about the new features overwhelming you. The main thing you'd be new to is Mega evolution so it isn't too bad. The game is easy to follow and if you've played the original Hoenn, the new Hoenn is definitely a great choice to get back into Pokemon.
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  • #10
@ShinyLatios Ok. I suppose now is the time to get into pokemon again. As long as I get my Kyorge and Combusken, I'm good. @Redja12 Thanks. Research is a big part of how I choose my games. But will titles like those, I needn't worry :)
  • #11
There are a LOT of new games that are coming out in 2015. One game that I cannot wait for any longer is The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D. SSB4, Pokemon OR/AS/X/Y are also great choices. It depends on which genres you prefer, though.
If you are getting the "New" 3DS, then you could always try out Xenoblade Chronicles that is coming out for it as an exclusive.
  • #12
@AliTheAce Knowing how cheap I am, I might just go for the normal 3DS XL as the price will drop significantly after the newer model is released in my region. And I already have Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii. I can't imagine myself buying it again unless it had a significant addition of content. ( We're Talking missions, DLC, costumes...you know, the usual.)
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  • #13
@AliTheAce Knowing how cheap I am, I might just go for the normal 3DS XL as the price will drop significantly after the newer model is released in my region. And I already have Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii. I can't imagine myself buying it again unless it had a significant addition of content. ( We're Talking missions, DLC, costumes...you know, the usual.)
Oh, but the "New" 3DS will only cost $179 and $189 each, respectively. There might be more exclusives in the future, and I hope that they are also released for the 3DS.
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  • #14
@AliTheAce Knowing how cheap I am, I might just go for the normal 3DS XL as the price will drop significantly after the newer model is released in my region. And I already have Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii. I can't imagine myself buying it again unless it had a significant addition of content. ( We're Talking missions, DLC, costumes...you know, the usual.)
Depending on when exactly in 2015 you're getting the XL, it might be worth looking out for any potential news on whether Xenoblade isn't the only one that'll be a New Nintendo 3DS exclusive game. If Nintendo's really serious about it, might be something to be careful about
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  • #15
@ShinyLatios We'll see, but if something new does come up, I will reconsider, assuming that it's something good. I know better than to shine my trophy before it's on the shelf.
  • #16
Yep, a New 3DS will probably be the better option as it probably won't be too high in price compared to 3DS but either way, be on the look out for Super Mario 3D Land, Pokemon X, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Smash Bros 3D and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

Depends really on what games you like and if you're more into single player than multiplayer? Super Mario 3D Land, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, DKCR and Zelda are great choices for multiplayer - I've played the first 3 and gotta admit, they're all so good. Of course, 3D Land is a 3D platformer while DKCR is the best 2D platformer. Of course, LM:DM has online multiplayer but I prefer the main story; Pokemon X has a great single player experience but also is quite known for multiplayer and I'd say Smash Bros 3D is geared more towards multiplayer.
  • #17
Yep, a New 3DS will probably be the better option as it probably won't be too high in price compared to 3DS but either way, be on the look out for Super Mario 3D Land, Pokemon X, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Smash Bros 3D and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

Depends really on what games you like and if you're more into single player than multiplayer? Super Mario 3D Land, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, DKCR and Zelda are great choices for multiplayer - I've played the first 3 and gotta admit, they're all so good. Of course, 3D Land is a 3D platformer while DKCR is the best 2D platformer. Of course, LM:DM has online multiplayer but I prefer the main story; Pokemon X has a great single player experience but also is quite known for multiplayer and I'd say Smash Bros 3D is geared more towards multiplayer.
If we're talking Pokemon and its multiplayer, imo the new Pokemon makes a lot of stuff in Pokemon X obsolete. Once you start playing ORAS, it's kinda hard to go back. A lot of things like the battle interface, camera angles, being able to walk/run in all directions, new megas, dexnav, etc. make it really appealing. In a way, ORAS was an opportunity for Nintendo to perfect the formula they were using for Gen 6. Also, with ORAS you get a lot of the stuff from XY as well (in terms of megastones at least), so you're also able to interact with XY players as well with it.
  • #18
If we're talking Pokemon and its multiplayer, imo the new Pokemon makes a lot of stuff in Pokemon X obsolete. Once you start playing ORAS, it's kinda hard to go back. A lot of things like the battle interface, camera angles, being able to walk/run in all directions, new megas, dexnav, etc. make it really appealing. In a way, ORAS was an opportunity for Nintendo to perfect the formula they were using for Gen 6. Also, with ORAS you get a lot of the stuff from XY as well (in terms of megastones at least), so you're also able to interact with XY players as well with it.

Ahh, I wouldn't really know about Pokemon's multiplayer because to be honest, I don't really play much of that as I prefer the single player and that alone takes me ages to finish. :p
  • #19
Ahh, I wouldn't really know about Pokemon's multiplayer because to be honest, I don't really play much of that as I prefer the single player and that alone takes me ages to finish. :p
Fair enough haha Even with single player I'm willing to argue that ORAS perfected the system. They've got little things like being able to sneak up on pokemon, seeing wingull flying overhead, etc. that make the experience a lot more immersive. At the same time though, Kalos region looks beautiful in a lot of areas, so XY has got that over ORAS I guess.
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  • #20
You should definitely get kid icarus uprising. It's my favorite game on the nintendo 3ds so far (released 2012) just the main story will take you 12ish hours not to mention the challenges. There are 240 challenges (achievements) in total and getting them all is pretty insane. It will take you over 100 hours guaranteed to do them. Some of the challenges are impossible for me like beat all levels on 9.0 difficulty
There's also a heap of online multiplayer which is still Good even 3 years after its release
Not to mention the huge amount of weapons you can get
You won't regret getting this game