What should I buy when I get eshop points?

  • Thread starter pokedog123
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Gotta get ORAS, AND fates?
Towns Folk
I already have pokemon y, mk7, fe awakening, 3d land.....Any recommendations?
What's your favourite genres?
All of those ones up there on my post up there.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire or Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire :sneaky:

If you like Pokemon, I'm sure you'll enjoy the gen 3 remakes. It has new mega evolution, Team Magma or Team Aqua, Pokemon cosplay, super secret bases, and a lot more cool stuff. Hopefully it'll allow us to play online with X/Y players.

Bravely Default

If you enjoyed Fire Emblem Awakening, there's a good chance you'll also like Bravely Default :

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

Virtue's Last Reward is now available on the eShop and it's one of the best puzzle games that I've ever played. It's a visual novel with interesting characters, challenging puzzles, and some replay value.

It has a tree root and each path leads to a different ending :

Thankyoi very much mark that was extremely helpful Marc!
I would recommend Kid Icarus: Uprising. It is a great game with colorful graphics and action packed levels. It's basically Super Smash Bros in 3D (it's made by the same guy). The online is what really makes it fun though. It's probably the best online feature of any 3DS game I've played.

Other than that I would recommend Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate if you're into solo RPGs.
I reccomemd the legend of Zelda a link between worlds! Its really good and a great addition to the Zelda series :") I'm not sure about the eshop price of it but it should be fairly decent priced... Have you already bought a game? If so which one? :")

P.S. shovel knight also looks really good! If your interested in old school games that is.