What should I get super smash bros or yoshi new island keep in mind that I don't have a new 3ds

  • Thread starter Jordanrock99
  • Start date


NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
Should I get smash bros or yoshi new island I don't have a new 3ds for c stick in smash so do u still stand a chance against people without c stick
Smash doesn't use the C-Stick so I'd recommend getting Smash since Yoshi's New Island wasn't really good based on critics, etc. (I've never played the game but I don't think it'd be good as the past games)

The only difference I know with Smash on the 3ds is that it'll load faster than on a regular 3ds but the general gameplay is basically the same throughout and you'll have all its features :3 If you don't mind the game loading pretty slow, then go for Smash :D
yes smash uses the c stick you can charge smash attacks with it instead of using circle pad + A button and u can do smash attacks in air
Smash is pretty cool to play online and with friends. Even though there is no C stick on the old 3DS the game itself is practically fine with or without it. Also if you want to use amiibo you can use the NFC adapter for amiibo so it's perfectly OK.
yoshies island and smash bros
Both are very different I always try to consider non story games like smash mario maker now yoshi is a story. When you finish whats gonna happen you shal be there standing non-knowing of the next step of distracting yourself from real life so smash can be considered as a skill.
Well, if you have a Wii u I'd recommend smash for that console over 3ds especially if you have siblings/friends without the game.

If you don't then I'd still day get smash, it'll probably last you longer than Yoshi Island and it has online play!