What video game are you?

  • Thread starter Lotad Lover
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You're Pong! You are a true introvert, preferring quiet time to yourself over crowded parties. You're smart, quiet, and under-appreciated amongst your peers. While others are busy chasing the trends and staying up to date on the latest and greatest, you prefer to live your life the more old-fashioned way. Your friends love having you around because you're reliable, kind, and low-maintenance!

8.3% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.
Pretty accurate but weird having "While others are busy chasing the trends and staying up to date on the latest and greatest, you prefer to live your life the more old-fashioned way" considering the first answer I gave, to "Do you keep up with the latest technology?" was "Absolutely! I love having the latest and greatest" (I didn't really know what to answer here since I keep up with technology where I think it's interesting but not everywhere (I have zero Apple device and zero home console for example)).
You're The Legend of Zelda! You are a true adventurer at heart, and you love the idea of stepping up to save the day. Your friends love having you around because you are smart and loyal, and they know that you would do anything for them. Because of your intelligence and bravery, everyone wants you on their team!
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You're The Legend of Zelda! You are a true adventurer at heart, and you love the idea of stepping up to save the day. Your friends love having you around because you are smart and loyal, and they know that you would do anything for them. Because of your intelligence and bravery, everyone wants you on their team!
You're Duck Hunt! Just like the dog in the game, you can be a sarcastic little troublemaker at times. You love keeping up with the latest technology, making sure to always stay ahead of the crowd Your friends love having you around because you always keep things interesting, even if they do get annoyed with you for being such a prankster!

Funny how I picked that I dont care about getting the newest technology but still it says that I want to....

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You're Sonic the Hedgehog! You are an extremely witty person who is always the life of the party! Your main goal in life is to make others laugh, and you always succeed! Your friends love having you around because you always keep them entertained, and they know there's never a dull moment as long as you're around!

17.9% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.
OMG yesssssssssssssssss XD
I'm The Legend of Zelda :D
I always knew it !!!
Good Ol' Pong <3
You're Donkey Kong! You are a born leader, and there isn't a person around who would try to pick a fight with you. You can sometimes be a bit too aggressive, but underneath it all you really just want what's best for yourself and your loved ones. Your friends love having you around because they know when they follow you, nothing can go wrong!

8.1% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result
  • #10
You're The Legend of Zelda! You are a true adventurer at heart, and you love the idea of stepping up to save the day. Your friends love having you around because you are smart and loyal, and they know that you would do anything for them. Because of your intelligence and bravery, everyone wants you on their team!

The classmates I had in my high school PE class would have to disagree with this statement...
  • #11
You're Donkey Kong! You are a born leader, and there isn't a person around who would try to pick a fight with you. You can sometimes be a bit too aggressive, but underneath it all you really just want what's best for yourself and your loved ones. Your friends love having you around because they know when they follow you, nothing can go wrong!

Huh, wasn't expecting that.
  • #12
You're The Legend of Zelda! You are a true adventurer at heart, and you love the idea of stepping up to save the day. Your friends love having you around because you are smart and loyal, and they know that you would do anything for them. Because of your intelligence and bravery, everyone wants you on their team!

Yay. :cat:
  • #13
You're The Legend of Zelda! You are a true adventurer at heart, and you love the idea of stepping up to save the day. Your friends love having you around because you are smart and loyal, and they know that you would do anything for them. Because of your intelligence and bravery, everyone wants you on their team
People in my school would disagree
  • #14
You're Pong! You are a true introvert, preferring quiet time to yourself over crowded parties. You're smart, quiet, and under-appreciated amongst your peers. While others are busy chasing the trends and staying up to date on the latest and greatest, you prefer to live your life the more old-fashioned way. Your friends love having you around because you're reliable, kind, and low-maintenance!

Oh, joy. I'm so glad that I'm Pong. Not that I wanted to be Pokemon or anything.
  • #15
Pong for me too~ Kinda fitting, yeah. Some parts of it, but not all.
  • #16

Apparently everyone loves me! Which is kind of true for the most part, I don't think I've ever had a hater in my life :p. Plus I'm supposably mega-popular which is pretty neat since I'm known by everyone at my school. Plus I'm the friendly one if you ever talk to me (until a certain extent that is). What an interesting quiz I must say.
  • #17
I'm The Legend of Zelda!
  • #18
I swear to God, no joke, I got Sonic the Hedgehog!

  • #19
  • #20
You're The Legend of Zelda! You are a true adventurer at heart, and you love the idea of stepping up to save the day. Your friends love having you around because you are smart and loyal, and they know that you would do anything for them. Because of your intelligence and bravery, everyone wants you on their team!

37.1% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.