What was your favourite and least favourite movie of 2015?

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Lime Pawpaw
Towns Folk
There don't seem to be any more big movies coming out this year, so it's time to make this thread >.<)/

I didn't watch a lot of movies this year - just five in total, I think. :panda:

My favourite film was Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck. I could see where a lot of Nirvana's songs came from after watching it and it showed stuff from his life instead of just highlighting his suicide like everything else does.

The film I hated most was Home. A friend recommended it. I watched about 25 minutes of it and gave up; it tried to make its own adorable creatures/Minion clones and they were so annoying. The soundtrack was awful too.

How 'bout you guys? :coffee:
The only new movie I've seen this year was Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, which was pretty freakin' awesome. I'm going to watch Ant-Man, Terminator Genisys and Jurassic World soon though x_x

And of course that means I have no least favourite :p
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