What was your first virtual console game?

  • Thread starter Swegged-up4tacos
  • Start date


Life orb shedninja
Towns Folk
What is yours? Mine is mega man 3 cuz it was on sale during winter last year..... It was difficult, but I beat it
If I remember right, it was Zelda 1 back when I first got my Wii in 2006. I had/have the game on NES, naturally, but at the time my NES barely worked. After that I mostly picked up system gems that I didn't physically own, like some Megaman titles before I properly added them to my collection and Final Fantasy, which is still very absent from my physical collection.

On the Wii U, I grabbed the Metroid Prime Trilogy when it was on sale and then Mother 1 on launch, not because I cared to play it without the Easy Ring but simply to use my wallet to show my support for the series.
Since it's under 3DS, my first is Metroid II: Return of Samus. I got it with Club Nintendo while it was still up, and I still have yet to beat it. It's fun yet kinda tough to beat, I tend to have a hard time fighting bigger enemies and maneuvering around the course.
My first was obtained through Club Nintendo,and if I'm correct,it was the first thing I got as a reward in that site.It was Donkey Kong Jr. on the Wii U.Quite a classic fun arcade game.A bit short,but still enjoyable. :thumbsup: