What's so good about Steven Universe?

  • Thread starter Go2Sleep
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Self proclaimed "human being"
Towns Folk
So there's this show, and it's called Steven Universe, within the first few days of it airing, nobody knew what it was, a few weeks later, it's the talk of the internet, and I'm here to ask this: Why? I watched an episode the first day it aired, I don't see what's so majestic about it, is there something that I'm missing? I'm not trying to be a hater at all, I'm genuinely curious as to why so many people enjoy this television program. :unsure:
Steven Universe is ultimately a show about love, and this theme is expressed through Steven's relationship with the Crystal Gems, who act as surrogate parents and other characters throughout the show in a very smart and mature way. I can understand why you didn't get the hype surrounding the show after watching one of the earlier episodes, because while Steven Universe initially seems slow paced, it's only so it has enough time to build up it's world, lore and characters and eventually becomes an incredibly rewarding experience in my opinion. I would highly recommend you to watch the Emmy nominated episode "Lion 3: Straight to Video" and if you're not even remotely interested in the show after watching it, then it's possible the show just doesn't appeal to you.
I don't watch it but I hear the writing is fantastic and well, apparently it's less "episodic" and builds up to slightly bigger plots and can keep building up their characters. I guess it's probably like Gravity Falls in the sense that it's smart; they can keep things simplistic and still tell a grander story around it that adults would enjoy more, for example as Lios said, the relationships between characters. Kids won't necessarily get it, but adults can see how the Crystal Gems are like parents to Steven and therefore it's family friendly instead of just being a "kids show".

I'd like to also go off on a big of a tangent to relate this more to Gravity Falls because I know that they can pack so much character development into the episodes and I guess episodes are less filler because they all keep changing what we know about the characters and we begin to build up a relationship to them. In addition to that, GF keeps a big overarching plot going (for example, Not What He Seems) and I think Steven Universe kind of does the same thing.
From what I can conclude of the episodes I watched so far,is similar to how Adventure Time is structuring itself over the years.It starts rather simple at its beginnings,with a new world with a lot of unknown information about the character's farther surroundings,but enough to get some interest as to what comes ahead,and as that evolution arrives within more episodes and seasons,that late unknown portion is now further explained for a more charming,unique and varied world,as well as giving it more complexity to the characters in that world in more deeper episode plots.This generally results in a show that is more diverse and relatable for most audiences,since the characters like the Crystal gems,like TheYESDragon has stated,are in their inner core,a caring family for Steven.Because many animated shows in recent years are more silly and not-as-serious for the general public(although all of them are not all necessarily bad),many people suddenly caught a liking for Steven Universe for it's general opposite feeling and direction,like how Avatar did at the past decade,with just as much praise.Sure,Adventure Time mostly strickes to do that with its expansion,but mostly in a weird and crazy way,and serious in only a few moments(again,not bad for the show's type of plot telling).Not all people will adore the show as much as others,sure,but that's what I think is the logical reason as to why the show is preferred by a vast majority of people over other modern cartoons.Might as well include me on that. :D
What appears to some people in Steven Universe is that the most of the characters are females with great diverted personalities and problems that they overcome over time. Steven himself also has a sweet personality like main characters in some other children's shows do but besides that he has some things (not spoiling too much) that make him stand out from others. Another thing is that Steven Universe presents healthy relationships between characters and also includes canonical lesbian pairing and few hinted same sex crushes (for all your shipping needs).
Dude I don't get it either.
And I don't really care to either.
I'm too busy watching Girls Und Panzer and Hayate the Combat Butler