What's your best bargain on a Nintendo purchase?

  • Thread starter Pandaxclone2
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Pokemon Sprite Artist Hobbyist
Towns Folk
What is the best bargain you have received on a Nintendo game, handheld, console or even product, be it old or new? I have two in mind right now:


During this year, Nintendo had their 5th anniversary sale on their eShop. To celebrate they had put several games, both regular and Virtual Console on discount, some of which were up to 50% off. At the time, I was attempting to purchase as many Zelda titles as I possibly could for my New3DS XL system (barring games I could get physical copies of for the 3DS and Minish Cap, which I'll get someday) so it was pretty surprising when I found out that both Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons were cut half-price.

Instead of having to pay full, I got two for the price of one! Not bad considering most games of this caliber are the opposite, one for the price of two. (Looking at you, Pokemon. >.>)


So I was out of my local area for my 21st birthday this year, looking to purchase a few goodies I don't normally see around here (Got myself an awesome DBZ Trunks figurine at a geek store), and wound up checking out the secondhand store for some PS4 games since I had just gotten one about a fortnight prior (paid out of my own money.) I always make sure to check what other games they have on the shelves in case there's an elusive game I've been keeping an eye out for.

And what do I spot in the DS games? Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. The case, sleeve of artwork, manual and of course, the game, all in very good condition. Surely it'd have to be for a really good price in that condition, seeing as it's so rare to come by (at least that's the case where I am.)


That's right. 3 whole dollars. To put that into perspective, I own Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney as a cart on its own which I bought for $12, and a case w/manual copy which I got for $39 along with Ace Attorney: Justice for All in the same condition and price seperately. Most eBay sellers today would sell these games with the case & manual for $45-55. Basically this price is ludicrously cheap even for the cart alone, much less with the case & manual in this condition. And before you ask, yes the game does work properly.


Let us know what your best bargains were for any Nintendo products. :cat:
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My best Nintendo deal would have to be the time that they offered a promotion in which, if you bought Mario Kart 8 before July 31 2014, you could register it with Club Nintendo and get a free copy of Wind Waker HD. That's a $60.00 deal! I was quite surprised that they even did this, as Nintendo tends to be somewhat stingy with their rewards programs.
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