Whats your Favorite Nintendo Game Of All Time?

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Cool Kid
Towns Folk
Mine has to be either Mario Bros. Or Sonic (ik ik not nintendo) And Maybe Smash Bros. I like Mario because it's look and the concept are pretty cool, also the enemies and levels are ok. Sonic, there are alot of different stages and it's not too repetitive. Smash you can play online, have a huge selection of characters, and have a good fanbase. Also smash has characters from alot of games such as Ryu from street fighter or Samus from Metroid. Overall these have to be my favorite. What's your favorite?
My fav is either Tomodachi Life or Harvest Moon: Tale of two Towns. Both of those games are amazing i would recommend them to anyone!!!
I like playing Kirby games a lot. They're so cheery and fun, probably the best self therapy I know of XD. I also like playing smash because it's fun to get a bunch of video game characters to beat each other up. Another fun game is Mario Kart, yet one of the most savage games ever. Blue shell salt, someone grabbing the item box right in front of you, bomb out of nowhere, Wario is there, probably a great multiplayer game ever. I like playing Pokémon as well because it's fun to battle with friends and see who could out spam the other.
I would have to say Legend of Zelda, I love those games. Zelda games are amazing, and I can't wait to play the Wii U version of Zelda.
My favorite Nintendo game is Super Mario Bros. I love all the different and creative levels in the game. I also like all of the different power ups that you can get too. My favorite power up is the tanooki tail because you can fly with it and you can also hit enemies with it too. I try to get every Mario game that comes out. I suggest Mario Bros to anybody who is a fan of Nintendo or anybody is a fan of video games in general
The Mystery Dungeon series, Harvest Moon, and Animal Crossing. Those are my favorites. The Mystery Dungeon because I love playing as the Pokémon instead of the humans, it's just more fun that way.

I enjoy Harvest Moon because it's one of those easy to play and enjoy games though A Wonderful Life is my most favorite the same goes for Animal Crossing.
I have more than 1 favourite 3ds game and my top one has to be Super Smash Bros. because of the amiibo control. I have the wii u but the game is so expensive for me. The second game is Sonic all star racing transformed because bringing all the sega stars together in one racing game. Another best game I like is lego city, this game was the best lego game where you can become a cop called Chase McCain and you have to prove to the Dep that you can become a police officer. The last game is Ace combat assault horizon legacy + because of the amiibo section. This is how you get new planes and colour jobs from each amiibo that is compatable with the game. However the best game has to super smash.
hard decision farming game: harvest moon tale of two towns its a lot better then they say it was my first farming game and i thought why not buy more harvest moon games to play. My favorite action game is zelda: 1. is zelda 1 2. is zelda mojoa mask 3. orina of time. puzzle games mojoa mask.
Mine has to be either Mario Bros. Or Sonic (ik ik not nintendo) And Maybe Smash Bros. I like Mario because it's look and the concept are pretty cool, also the enemies and levels are ok. Sonic, there are alot of different stages and it's not too repetitive. Smash you can play online, have a huge selection of characters, and have a good fanbase. Also smash has characters from alot of games such as Ryu from street fighter or Samus from Metroid. Overall these have to be my favorite. What's your favorite?
My favourite would be link from twilight princess because he can turn into a wolf!!
  • #10
Pokemon x because when i saw it commercial and heard about it i knew i had to play it and it really changed my understanding of pokemon and taught me concepts and things that i didn't know existed like EVs and IVs and i still play the game everday,i have over 400 hours on it.