What's your least/favorite day of the week?

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Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
What days do you hate the sound of the most? What days do you love? Honestly, I hate Mondays... It's never a good time. Saturdays... PARTY!!!;)
Hmm. Saturdays. There are some good shows that come on in the evening. ^^
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I don't really have a preference, they're all the same to me, haha.
Of course, I hate mondays simply because I go back to school and the word doesn't sound nice. :p I do like saturdays because day off school and we get a new episode of MLP:FiM.
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Mines actually Wednesday because of my college schedule. I have weekends of though so it's not too bad anymore.
Any day that I have to go to work. It's unfortunate that I can't do my job from home, else I'd gladly do so in a heartbeat. :p
Monday sucks, but Fri-Sun are the best.
Monday sucks, but Fri-Sun are the best.
Monday is actually my favorite day of the week, because despite the fact that my work week starts on a Monday, it's usually one of the quieter days. To be honest, my least favorite day of the week is Thursday, because there's this myth that you can get your weekend chores done on Thursday and not have anything to do Saturday. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way... As a direct result, I get swamped. Constantly.
Probably Wednesday. Middle of the week is usually pretty slow.
  • #10
I like Mondays and Fridays the best. Mondays because I just feel ready for doing whatever (usually school) and they aren't really as bad as any other day of the week. Fridays because you know you are almost finished and you know you usually can do whatever you want at night/on Saturday. Then again you still might have some work over the weekend.
  • #11
I have some sort of jinx for Sunday for whatever reason, but Friday and Saturday are my favorites. As for a least favorite, probably Mondays, for reasons everyone else who hates the day has as well.
  • #12
Least favorite is Sunday. Deep-Clean at work, so I have to clean all the pots. Oh, it's Sunday today? Well, that's just grand.

Favorite is Wednesday, as I get Wednesdays and Thursdays off. Usually.
  • #13
Monday is the worst to me,some of the subjects that I have to do on the day get me vex but my most favourite day is Friday,it is the end of the week and plus you can party and have fun all day long.
  • #14
I hate Mondays. I have to wake up early to go to school, and it's the start of the school week e.e

I love Saturdays. It always gives me a chance to be free, and relax a bit by playing games, sports, and other fun stuff.
  • #15
I hate Mondays:I´m a person who has really long weekend nights and it really annoys me to stay up at 6 am to go to work
I love Sundays:Because it´s the only day I can sleep so long like I want
  • #16
I hate Thursdays because I have to do a 1 hour period of French and right after school I have to go to tutoring class. Favourite is Saturdays because I get to sleep till like 2 lol. Too bad weekends end too quickly
  • #17
Hate Monday, the worst day of the week getting back to work and stuff. There is a scientific research that Monday is the day that most people died.
I love Friday afternoon, the most chilling time of the week. I don't know if I love it from my childhood as my parents only allow me to play games (gameboy) on Friday afternoon XD
  • #18
Mondays...ugh I can never adjust from having a 2-day break from school and coming back. As for my favorite..SATURDAY! I can both sleep in and sleep late :)
  • #19
I don't like Mondays by any stretch of the meaning of the word, so that'd be my least favorite. My favorite is any holiday, sometimes friday, sometimes Saturday, others on Wednesdays.
  • #20
My favourite days are Friday and Saturday, my least favourite days are Sunday and Monday.