Which 3ds game has the best music?

  • Thread starter BladeX
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NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
Which 3ds game do you think has the best music? I like a lot of different games and they all have great soundtracks but which game do you think has the best music?(example: kingdom hearts 3d, the legend of zelda ocarina of time 3d)
I would have to say Smash Bros, Pokemon ORAS, and Pokemon X and Y because the themes in these games are just amazing! I give a lot of credit to Nintendo for the amazing games.
To me I think that many Nintendo 3ds games have wonderful music :D it depends on the type of game really . Stuff like rythm games are always the best at music ( obviously :rotfl: ) but in my opinion other than those types of games , I'd go for Super Smash Brothers for 3ds since it is really just awesome with the remixes and medly :D
Both of the Fire Emblem games have pretty good soundtracks, especially FE: Fate from what I've heard. I love that main theme!! I'd also say that the IE games have good soundtracks, but half of them haven't been released where I live yet. Smash Bros has some great music, and I tend to like most of the tracks, especially the F Zero ones, surprisingly. I've never played an F-Zero game, but I love the music in Smash from it.
You can never go wrong with Kingdom Hearts and it's music it's just enjoyable to listen to. I love the tracks in Majora's Mask. But I have to admit I loved the ending song in Pokémon X. But I like the songs in Animal Crossing New Leaf

I can't wait to what other games song have to offer.
I think that the pokemon games have the best music. I really like how it sounds and the music goes really well with the cities and towns. The music in the battles also make them very entertaining and energetic.
I would have to go with the Music from Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS, and Kirby Triple Deluxe. Of course the Pokémon Music are Awesome too!
For now,I would have to go with Super Smash Bros. For 3DS,Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright,The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D/A Link Between Worlds,Fire Emblem Awakening and Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure. I wasn't as immersed in the music of Pokemon X as these six games I mentioned,but it's still decent. :thumbsup: