which layton game you like the best?

  • Thread starter wolfman_1015
  • Start date


Pokemon Trainer
Towns Folk
back in the day when I had my dsi I bought a game that was professor layton and the diabolical box
which was a great puzzle game with nice cutscenes and great,but really great music then i played the
unwound future which was as great or even better than the diabolical box. So tell me which layton game
have you liked the best from the seven games including proffesor layton vs ace attorney
I liked the Unwound Future one, but I haven't played any of the 3DS ones yet, unfortunately. But the first one feels like the best one, especially since the puzzles actually make sense story wise.
try to play the diabolical box it is as great as the unwound future or even better
Unwound future was my favorite one by far.
try to play the diabolical box it is as great as the unwound future or even better
The story there was also pretty good. Kinda forgot about it though. I still think the Curious Village was best, possibly because it was the first one I played. It was a brand new experience and got me hooked.
I thought Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright was a pretty sweet game. Nice graphics and cutscenes. I'm a huge fan of both of them, so when I heard they made a crossover, I was half laughing, half crying.