Three Houses Who is your favorite Fire Emblem Three Houses character?

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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The game is now out.

Have you found a character you've given the title as "favorite" to yet? Who is it and why did you pick them?
My three favourites, and it's just because I love each of their bubbly, shy, passive personalities. :)






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for now the one i like more is dedue
I have as of now finished Crimson Flower and Azure Moon, and so far my favourite characters, not including the lords, are Bernadetta, Ferdinand and Ashe!
Edelgard, she has become so important to me!
I quite like Felix. Speaks what's on his mind, stands by his values and is often quite blunt about it, nor does he like to romanticize things. I like those kinds of characters rather than the more cheerful and cliché protagonists you tend to see nowadays.
For some reason Petra stands out to me. The characters of Three Houses are a lot more unique, for better or worse, then other fire emblem games. I've been very mixed on how I feel about Three Houses, because it's by far the most about the role playing and story in the series, and the least about the strategy but despite that I've still been enjoying it!
Caspar, I just love how he matured as you progress the story reminds me of me when I was young I was so hot headed and got annoyed about every little things, but as growing up a started to realize things which made me mature that's why I relate so much to Caspar haha