Who's Looking forward to Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal?

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NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
Hello everyone on 3DS pedia! I was wondering if any of you are looking forward to Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal. Seeing how I don't own a Wii U at the moment, and how Shattered Crystal looks more like a classic Sonic the Hedgehog game I will definitely be getting Shattered Crystal. Though I'm not really a fan of Sonic's or Knuckles redesigns, I'll look pass them and enjoy the game when it comes out. :) I honestly think it looks better than Lost World. :p
Lost world was better.
I honestly not interested on the 3DS entry of Sonic Boom, but maybe I will get the Wii U entry if I see it cheap...

Lost world was better.
I really liked the 3DS entry, but I don't think I will get the Wii U one (he's too slow!)...

Sonic Rush was a lot better >.>