PkMn XY/ORAS Will Trade Pokemon For Club Nintendo Codes!

  • Thread starter GravityTheGhost
  • Start date


Sp00ky Sp1r1t
Towns Folk
If you have a Pokemon you are looking for, and you have any Club Nintendo codes, I'll see if I have the one your looking for (I have a ton of Pokes in my Y game). Cuz thanks to these:

I need more coins. Friggin Kid Icarus Uprising!!!!
If you have a Pokemon you are looking for, and you have any Club Nintendo codes, I'll see if I have the one your looking for (I have a ton of Pokes in my Y game). Cuz thanks to these:

I need more coins. Friggin Kid Icarus Uprising!!!!
I'm in the same boat. It's sinking.
I'm literally asking everyone on every form of social media possible.
I'm literally asking everyone on every form of social media possible.
I've just sorta given up, I have 15 coins, you?
410, I need 290 more for Kid Icarus Uprising D:
410, I need 290 more for Kid Icarus Uprising D:
i found one for wii play just now.
Cool! I remember that game, never had it tho
410, I need 290 more for Kid Icarus Uprising D:
Dude, I feel you! I want Kid Icarus: Uprising as well, but I'm 100 coins shorter than you! Dang it! D: