Worst excuses for not doing your homework

  • Thread starter Marc
  • Start date


"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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1. A dog ate my homework.
2. Hermione Granger gave me the wrong information.
3. I forgot it at home, my bad lmao.

What are some of the worst excuses you've heard from students when they forgot to do their homework?
The recycling bin ate homework
I'm getting a new calculator that can do these equations.
I lost my calculator.
I left it in the ocean so the dolphins could finish my foreign language homework.
I didn't know we had homework.
A cat ate my homework. Somehow.
We ran out of toilet paper at home so I needed to use it.
You (the teacher) already seem to have a heavy workload to handle and lots of papers to mark so I did not want to add to it.
a ghost stole it
*says nothing else*
This isn't really an excuse, but I remember that back in seventh grade I had a teacher who would come around and do homework checks. He'd stamp them with the date to make sure we couldn't reuse them.

One day he was really upset, and I'd forgotten to do my homework. I knew I'd be in trouble. He came around and started booting people that hadn't finish theirs out of the class. Without thinking, I pulled out my binder for another subject, got out some old homework, and changed the date and title.

It worked, and what's more is that I was apparently one of the only people that 'did' the homework. Sorry, Mr. C., but I was a huge nerd and there was NO WAY my reputation was going to be marred from one day of missing homework.