Worst Video game store experience?

  • Thread starter shanic132
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Super Fighting Robot!
Towns Folk
So we can all agree that video games are the most amazing thing in the world and we would go out of our way to get a game that we truly want. However, you are not going to get the best experience when you're getting a game. sometimes you're just going to get a bad time. So i have two stories for you guys, hope you enjoy them and after you're done reading them feel free to post your story. ^w^

Now this isn't a bad experience if you compare it to the others. So there use to be this video game store store called "GameLand" that was like a 10 minute drive from where i use to live. Now GameLand use to be a store that sold more than just modern games, they also sold classic ps1 and nintendo 64 games. you name it, they probably had it. The bad thing about this store was that it was always empty (at least the times when i visited.) The bad things about this store was that it was expensive! I am not kidding, they had a copy of FF7, the whole thing, case included, book included, mint condition. it was about $200! Now this may not be bad for collectors and all but this was during the time when the PS3 was gonna come out or was already early out (dont remember sorry.) Now this is where it gets annoying, when i was a kid i went in to get "Touch of the dead" for the DS (not 3DS) with my dad. They would have the game case on the shelf and we grabbed a copy and we went to go purchase it. The worker didn't even try to look for the actual game, he just looked at the front cabinet and said, "uhhh we don't have it." So i shrugged it off and asked for another game (forgot what i asked for.) This time he didn't even look and said "We don't have that either." So in the end we just left empty handed. In the end, they closed down for good.

This next story isn't about me, this is about my brother working at gamestop where he use to work. He told me that it was almost closing time and there were no people there at all. He told me that it was like an hour or 2 away from closing time. He was just at the counter minding his own business and you know how at the front counter they usually have a glass case full of DS and 3DS games. Well this guy walked in and threw a rock at the counter and failed to break it. My Brother just looked at him and the guy ran off. My brother told me that he didn't bother calling the cops because he's the kind of guy that doesn't care and he wanted to go home. Now i'm not sure if this is true, you can tell me if i'm wrong. The reason that the Glass didn't break is because its kinda the same glass they use for bullet proof reasons. i'm not sure.

Thanks for your time and remember to post your bad experiences! ^w^
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I once walked into a GameStop, asked for pokemon white 2 (currently my favorite pokemon) and a conversation like this occured, BTW my mum was outside the store, my grandmother called
"Herpderp I'd like to buy this"
"You really want this" -clerk
"Yeah, I'm a huge pokemon fan"
"Oh yeah kid what's your favorite game"
"Right now pokemon platinum"
"What consoles do you own" *starts to wring up game*
"A Wii and a ds"
"Hey, everyone look at the little kid who thinks he's cool!"
Their was two people, a teen and another kid my age
"Why are you calling him that"-teen
" ah lighten up this little **** plays pokemon"
"How old are you kid"-teen
Heres your dumb game * throws bag at me*
Am about to walk out when kid walks up to me
" Hey, what's your name"
Give him name
" I like COD, how about you"
"I'm not into shooters"
"He really is lame!"
Laughter comes from the store
I pulled my moms hand, dragged her to the car, got home and sat in my room for 3 hours before I finally got the courage to play the game. I didn't go to a gamestop again till I was 13, where I sold them $40 worth of broken games.
To this day I am a hardcore game collector who would be proud to tell anyone about my collection. To this day I hate GameStop.