AC:NH Would you get banned from online for illegal/hacked trees in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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Lots of people have been getting hacked/illegal trees in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You don't have to hack yourself to get them. Someone with the hacked/illegal tree can just come over to your island and give you or plant it for you.



Would Nintendo ban your Nintendo Account from online play for having illegal/hacked trees on your island?
Hmmm...I definitely think Nintendo would do something like a ban or maybe even a patch so that trees are only limited to dropping things they're meant to drop..

Problem is though, I dunno how exactly they'd be able to detect accounts that have these kinds of trees for a ban... so I think the patch is more probable!
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I want those trees...
Since they arent in the base game, they’ll be hard to detect. Will u get some?
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Since they arent in the base game, they’ll be hard to detect.
Something that isn't yet available to everyone would be easy to detect I assume. Tagging @Sky :pepe2:
Depends on how nintendo act with saves. They could have a verification check that runs on launch/connection of the internet that scans your save for rogue code. There's also the point of people that have saves like this(the ones hacking in the trees), don't just have the game hacked, their entire switch would be modified, this in itself would be sending modified data to the servers.

Nintendo would be able to make a paper trail leading from the first person, it'll be easier to track data done in multiplayer lobbies (trading, etc) then it would be in singleplayer lobbies. If they're against time travelling as much as they are, I would presume they have checks in place for hacking. It'd be very easy to scan for rogue code and tags unless somehow you just replace specific things but keep them the same in code (which I doubt is what is happening here)
There are scattered reports of people’s saves becoming corrupt after obtaining these trees from others, but I’m not sure how valid they are.
There are scattered reports of people’s saves becoming corrupt after obtaining these trees from others, but I’m not sure how valid they are.

Considering it's hacked content, technically it's corrupt from the moment you get it. It'll make the game unstable, likely to not be able to get updated and might just break for not much visable reason.