Would You to see another Naruto Clash of Ninja game for Wii U?

  • Thread starter Tld828
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Addict
Towns Folk
Do you want to see another Clash of Ninja Game for the Wii U,I Don't have a Problem with the Storm games,i Just Wish we got another one,cause to me they were better than the storm games,Plus if we had one for Wii U,Just think on how that would look like?But Once Again, what do you guys personally think should their be another one or no?
I actually love NCoNR lol Played the 3 games in the Wii and its, more or less, balanced, at some perspective... Anyways, they stopped at NCoNR 3 since eighting, I think, lost their license to Naruto , hence; stopped producing NCoNR games lol

Btw I like using Naruto's glitch there lol d(>.>
Fave character there would be Naruto, Deidara, and Sasori lol
I love the games, but I'm not sure if they did so well. The Clash of Ninjas games didn't do great on the Gamecube, and we had a couple of Wii games, but for the most part, they now develop for the PC and Playstation/Xbox communities. Of course, they do better than a lot of fighting games so.
They should port one the th e 3ds too! :D
I'm not Naruto's fan, but I think the fans deserve something like that and it would be important for Nintendo's game list, so I hope it's coming!
Last NCoN game i played was 2on the GCN. I loved it so much! t would be awesome to see it done on the Wii U! Think of all the characters they could include now that tje seriers is (sadly) over. Tobi, Madara, SoSP! it would be so much fun
If it's third party and something I'm sure a lot of people would look twice at (after all, it's one of the more popular anime), go for it.
I would be quite interested in this game because I really liked some of the Naruto fighting games for the DS and 3ds so I would like to see if that this game ever will come out , then some pictures and new features might be awesome . Though i'm not sure about the probability of the chances are I can say that this game will be very awesome-ish :D