Towns Folk
So here is my daily routine when entering 3ds Pedia
1. Opens browser
2. Go to 3ds Pedia ( forums )
3. Look at my alerts and messages
4. Reply to any alerts that seem worth replying to
5. Look through the forums and post to them
6. Clicks " New Posts" to see anything new
7. Clicks " New Posts"
8. Clicks " New Posts"
9. Periodically checks Shoutbox for what people are saying
10.Check Marc's Giveaway to see people replying and decided to help them ( or not )
BONUS : Clicks " New Posts"
I would like to see your daily routine on 3ds Pedia
1. Opens browser
2. Go to 3ds Pedia ( forums )
3. Look at my alerts and messages
4. Reply to any alerts that seem worth replying to
5. Look through the forums and post to them
6. Clicks " New Posts" to see anything new
7. Clicks " New Posts"
8. Clicks " New Posts"
9. Periodically checks Shoutbox for what people are saying
10.Check Marc's Giveaway to see people replying and decided to help them ( or not )
BONUS : Clicks " New Posts"
I would like to see your daily routine on 3ds Pedia