Youtube Comment Section

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Towns Folk
What is your opinion on the youtube comment section?
I think that there is a bit of great stuff,but alot of dumb comments
It would be easier to use,if spam wasnt the only reason to report comment and comments would be sorted by value(which sadly isnt possible with the technology we have yet)
Depends on the channel itself and who is running it. But they're /mostly/ terrible. I still find it weird just how many kids under the age of like 10 have access to computers.
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Most Youtube comment sections are pretty cancerous, full of spam and trolls but occasionally I'll find a comment section that seems to showing signs of intelligent life and when I do, my reaction is usually something like this
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I like looking at it for the laughs, but that's about it. I'm not one to comment on YouTube videos myself, but the comments can be pretty fun to read sometimes.
Mostly the youtube coments section is cancerous spam.
I never bothered looking t at the comments section of any youtuber with over 100k subs because a lot of comments will most likely be some stupid spam type thing or just someone wanting to get noticed.
It would be better if people wouldn't spam a lot in the comment section of youtube but what is there that we can do but ignore them and not heat them up like a turkey on thanksgiving but we can try to get ride of the spamers and all the other types of coments that isn't good fore the channels because Youtubers needs the help from there fans to expand there view in games and reaction videos and so on and so on.
The comments i usually see are really sad, calling people names because they didn't agree with religion, OTP, fav character or etc. I usually see 1% of decent humans behind a computer screen who don't want a flamewar and pointless drama. The other 99% are either trolls or spambots. But maybe that's because of the videos i watch.

tl;dr 1% of commenters are decent people the other 99% are cancer to society. I am weird .-.
I feel sorry for the ones who upload the vids, and have to deal with harsh/offensive comments. The commentors, for the most part, don't like to keep an open mind and don't consider/respect other people's opinions. One way to avoid spam/troll-ish comments is to disable the system for a vid or two. :3
  • #10
i get alot of spam in my videos comment section, Like "subscribe to me and i will to you!" or "check out my channel!"

or "are you gay?" like legit it is getting really annoying .-. (the reason with the gay part is because my youtube used to be rainbow dash.)
  • #11
i get alot of spam in my videos comment section, Like "subscribe to me and i will to you!" or "check out my channel!"

or "are you gay?" like legit it is getting really annoying .-. (the reason with the gay part is because my youtube used to be rainbow dash.)
a bit off topic,but respond with "Yes,im happy" :p
But yeah,the spam things gets really annoying
Atleast you have legit reasons to report the spam,different to other stuff
  • #12
a bit off topic,but respond with "Yes,im happy" :p
But yeah,the spam things gets really annoying
Atleast you have legit reasons to report the spam,different to other stuff
(my opinion) i really like being able to talk to popular youtubers that i like at times but like 8 year olds...uhg...
  • #13
(my opinion) i really like being able to talk to popular youtubers that i like at times but like 8 year olds...uhg...
i still am quite shocked that like 6 year old children already have free acess to youtube
I wouldnt really let my children make my account(if i ever have any,im not that far with planning my life yet)until they are mature enough.
If you only could acess yotube as soon you have reached an certain level of maturity it would be alot better
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