Zelda needs a post game

  • Thread starter Skyshaymin
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Pokemon Champion/Kitty Lover
Towns Folk
I love Zelda games, but I just hate how you fight the epic final boss, go through an amazing cutscene, sit through ALL the credits just to go back to your save point. And then there's nothing to do except re fight the boss. It doesn't need a real post game, but at least change some diolouge and stuff. Like in oot you defeat Ganon, just to go back to the wrecked building, zombies, etc.
You could still fight the final boss through the boss challenge thing. Does anyone agree?
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In some games, there are items to collect, such as the Skulltula tokens which are obtained after defeating each Skulltula (100 to collect) in many hidden places in Hyrule, in Ocarina of time. That is one big challenge in itself. A tedious task, but oh well. xD

There's also Hero mode in A link between worlds! a much harder challenge to progress through! it's kinda boring to do it all again, but the normal mode was way too easy, am I right? xD
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But I think they mean that there should be a whole entire side mission thing that takes place after the main story line. Like for example we all know that every pokemon game technically ends after beating the elite 4 the first time but In ORAS you have the Delta Episode after that plus the battle resort and a million and one other things. Even though you have those side missions once you beat that last boss and load the save file up again you still at the part right before the last boss.
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I think that all of the Zelda games don't seem to have a post-game, apparently :p I feel like it is because such a thing isn't really fit to be in a LoZ game. Once you defeat whatever evil force that has Hyrule in peril, then there is nothing much to do other than to wander around, I guess. Suppose you wanted to defeat the boss again :p

This sort of thing can change in the upcoming Zelda Wii U, since there's an entire world out there, full of secrets, to explore.
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Yeah, I never really liked the gold skulltula quest and stuff like that. It's not really that fun to me, it's more like a side quest in my opinion.

Yes, I meant more like the delta episode but it doesn't even have to be that complicated. When I beat A Link Between Worlds I loved the ending but was disappointed to be sent back with Lorule still in ruins. I just think they should make it look peaceful ish again. Even maybe some mini post game quest?

The only negatives about this is 1. You can't re fight the boss unless there is a mini game for it and 2. It may take some time depending on how big the world/post game is
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I have never really seen the need for a post game in any of the Zelda installments, even Breath of the Wild. There is more than enough to do and the world is still interesting to explore even after the final boss battle. Thus, in my opinion, a post game would add almost nothing to the experience.