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Gunman Clive 2 Already on NA Lotcheck, Price Confirmed

Gunman Clive 2 2

Bertil Hörberg, the developer from Hörberg Productions, announced in his Twitter account that Gunman Clive 2 is already in the Nintendo testing process on North America meanwhile it’s still on the rating process on the European continent.

He also mentioned that it’s very unclear if the title will or not released this month, but confirmed that the price point for Gunman Clive 2 will be $2.99. Keeping an affordable price, it still a really affordable price considering how much content was confirmed so far.

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Eric Weichhart
Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.
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