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How To Change Difficulty in Shin Megami Tensei IV

How many times did you die and restart your game in Shin Megami Tensei IV? Was it once? Maybe it was five times. I don’t think that you can cross ten so close to its release date. Putting that aside, there is a way to change the difficulty in Shin Megami Tensei IV.

How To Change Difficulty in Shin Megami Tensei IV

After dying twice in Shin Megami Tensei IV, the two henchmen who normally appear behind Charon (the boss) who happily takes your Macca to revive you, would talk to you. Note: Macca is the in-game money in Shin Megami Tensei IV. The boss is away so they did you a favor since you are a samurai. Basically, they give you a new ability that allows you to change the difficulty of the game. It’s smart the way the developers implemented it, in a way.

( Screenshot: Charon and his two henchmen )

After talking to the two henchmen and re-entering the world of the living, press the “Y” button on the Nintendo 3DS to open the game’s menu. After, select Burroughs on the bottom screen of the 3DS. “Difficulty” should now be one of the options (it’s new). Select it. Now choose the difficulty level that you wish to change to.

There are two difficulty levels that you can choose. They are; Fellow, and Prentice. Prentice is the game’s default difficulty level. Fellow is an easier difficulty level and if you change from Prentice to Fellow, story and request rewards will not be changed.

Gervais D.
Gervais laughs at a difficult RPG while it takes its last breath as he conquers it. He's been gaming since the NES and loves to relax at the beach.
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