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How To Complete The Lost Ring Quest in Nexomon: Extinction

In Nexomon: Extinction, a woman in the Frozen Tundra has lost her wedding ring and asks you to find it. If you do, she will give you a Vault Key as a reward for completing the quest. This guide will show you where to find the wedding ring and how to find her again.

Quest details:

“A woman at the frozen bridge dropped her wedding ring! Where could it be?”

How To Complete The Lost Ring Quest in Nexomon: Extinction

East of Lateria, you should return to a cave surrounded by water. On the right side of the cave, there should be a sparkle. Go up to it and press A to uncover the hidden item. It should be the lost wedding ring.

Return to the Frozen Tundra Base (the warp point should be named “Frozen Tundra (Base)”) and go south then make a left turn. On the frozen bridge, there should the lady. Return the wedding ring to her to complete the quest and receive the vault key reward.

Gervais D.
Gervais laughs at a difficult RPG while it takes its last breath as he conquers it. He's been gaming since the NES and loves to relax at the beach.
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