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How to Complete the Maze in Chapter 11 of Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir

Near the end of Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir, you find yourself in a maze within the Ayashiro mansion’s storeroom. Due to the unique first-person nature of this segment of the game, you might become somewhat confused with how to proceed. Luckily this isn’t a terribly difficult puzzle to solve if study the map on the back of the hand mirror that you have and proceed methodically.

Storehouse Maze in Chapter 11 of Missing Heir

Animals in a maze? What does it mean?

How to Navigate the Storeroom Maze in Chapter 11 of The Missing Heir

  1. After finding the rat painting, turn to the right and go forward.
  2. Then, proceed to face left, forward, face right, forward, face left, forward, face right, forward, turn left, forward, turn right, forward, turn left, forward, and finally turn left.
  3. You will see a horse drawing. Keeping moving toward it until you physically bump into it. You’ll know you’ve gone far enough when you’re told the wall moved.
  4. Turn back around and go forward, turn left, forward, turn left, forward, turn right, forward, turn left, forward, and finally turn left.
  5. This time you’ll see a rabbit drawing. Move all the way toward it until you see the comment that the wall moved.
  6. Almost there! Now turn yourself back around and go forward, turn left, forward, turn left, forward, turn right, forward, turn left, forward, forward again, turn left, forward, turn right, forward, turn left, forward, and then turn left.
  7. You’ll see a rooster drawing. Advance toward it until you bump into the wall and find your exit.

Take a nice deep breath because you’ve successfully navigated the game’s most extensive puzzle!

Grant L.
Grant has been playing games since the dawn of 8-bit. He loves his pets and cold weather. Always looking for his next gaming obsession.
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