How To Complete Training Battle 6 in SMT IV

Published on October 12th, 2013 by Dominic V.

The Training Battle 6 was by far the hardest VR training battle that I found in the game. It involves swapping your demons in almost every turn, using the weaknesses and repels of each of them.

Training Battle 6

Turn One of SMT IV Training Battle 6

  • Main Character Swaps Gnome with Kanbari.
  • Kanbari uses Tetrakam
  • Undine uses Attack on Hairy Jack.
  • Salamender uses Attack on Hairy Jack.
  • Main Character uses shoot on Hairy Jack.

Turn Twoย of SMT IV Training Battle 6

  • Main Character swaps Salamender with Gnome.
  • Kanbari swaps with Taotie.
  • All your demons use Next.
  • Main Character uses Shoot on Hairy Jack on his turn.

Turn 3ย of SMT IV Training Battle 6

  • Main Character adds Kanbari to party.
  • Kanbari uses Next.
  • Undine uses Next.
  • Main Character adds Salamender to party.

Turn 4ย of SMT IV Training Battle 6

  • Main Character uses Next.
  • Kanbari uses Attack on Hairy Jack.
  • Salamender uses Attack on Hairy Jack.

About Dominic V.

Dominic is a 23 year old male from Mauritius. He owns a midnight purple 3DS, loves to watch anime, and enjoys a good Nintendo RPG.