To make the Eyedrops of Truth in Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea DX, a Dragon Cup is required as it is one of the ingredients. This guide will teach you how to get a Dragon Cup in the game.
The first thing to do is to get your alchemy level 45 or higher. Anything lower will be unable to craft the Dragon Cup. You shouldn’t stop at level 45 either because the Eyedrops of Truth requires level 47 or higher alchemy level to make.
The ingredients to craft the Dragon Cup are thankfully easy to obtain.
You will need:
You can get the Sand Dragon Scale from gathering at the Eastern Sea of Smoke in the Dusk Sea. The other ingredients are very simple to get or make, especially water.
Since one of the main reasons you will need a Dragon Cup is to make the Eyedrops of Truth, it will also be covered in this guide.
Leichester Meteorite Iron can be gathered from the same location where you get the Sand Dragon Scale. It’s found at the Eastern Sea of Smoke in the Dusk Sea, making it possible to knock down two birds with one stone. Both liquid and supplement are easy to get.