Making money in Graveyard Keeper can seem like a tedious task when beginning to play the game, however, it’s not that difficult if you know the ropes. This guide will help you make money fast and easy in Graveyard Keeper. It will not cover fishing, but that can be used as a reliable method as well.
One of the best ways to earn some quick money early in the game is to sell stone pieces to Cory.
From your house, take a right and follow the road path until you reach a large rock. Mine the rock, collect the stone to carry back to your yard and place it in the stone stockpile. Use the stone cutter to get about three sets of stone pieces (about 90 pieces of stone).
Go to the village and find Cory. He should be at the top-left corner of the Dead Horse Tavern.
Coal does not fetch a high price and does not take up much space in your inventory. However, the quantity you can collect and sell makes it worth your while. One coal is worth 14 bronze coins and it adds up the more you have. It’s easy money when you start playing.
Coal can be mined at the right-hand side of the Quarry at the ‘Forest Near The River’. The Quarry can be found at the top-left of your house or graveyard. Either path works although you may need resources to remove piles of rubble to gain access to them.
One of the most common methods revealed early in the game. Burial certificates are obtained from burying and burning bodies. It’s recommended to collect them in bulk and sell them all in one trip to the Dead Horse Tavern.
You need a food stamp to sell meat to Horadric.
Go to the cellar (beneath your house) and remove one of the sets of rubble blocking your path using the required resources you’ve collected. Snake can be found at the left on Ency days .
Give him x5 Faith (get it from the Church) and increase his friendship level to 30 by completing his quests to receive the food stamp.
Make a ‘package of meat’ at your house (clean paper + meat) and sell it to Horadric.
Clean papers can either be purchased from the Astrologer or crafted at the Church Workbench:
Unfortunately, Horadric does not accept gold quality wine, however, he will buy silver and bronze quality.
Purchase as many grape seeds as you can from The Merchant (gold or silver quality recommended but it’s expensive early-game), finish some of the Inquisitor’s quests to use the Vineyard (left of the road path to Witch Hill) and begin to plant peat + grape seeds.
Harvest the grapes and replant the peat + grape seeds.
Build a vine press near your house and make a pail of grape juice from it using the grapes you recently obtained (15 grapes per pail). Build a wine making barrel in your cellar and use the pail of wine juice to make red wine.
The silver quality red wine can be sold to Horadric while the gold quality red wine can be sold to Merchant. Sell a limited amount of wine bottles to each per week rotation in the game because they pay less the bulkier the purchase. The recommended amount is 2 per day to Horadric and 6 per week to Merchant.
One of the best ways to make a lot of money late in the game is from the Merchant. However, you’ll have to complete a decent amount of his quests to start making the paper, or should I say, coins.
Best way to take advantage of making money with the Merchant:
Quality fertilizer II can be produced from the church workbench in the church’s basement.
You’ll need:
Flavor enhancer is made from the Alchemy Workbench (tier II) using ash, toxic solution and life extract.
Ash is obtained from burning bodies at the bottom of the graveyard (a little to the right side). Toxic solution is made with the Hand Mixer using orange jelly (deep in the dungeon) or red mushrooms (near the witch hut). Life extract is made from the Distillation Cube using any of the following: a heart, maggot or yellow flower. Both the Hand Mixer and Distillation Cube can be build in the church’s basement.
Once you have obtained all of the ingredients, make the ‘quality fertilizer II’ at the tier II alchemy workbench and use it as fertilizer for your silver pumpkin/onion seeds.
Ms. Charm pays 1 gold coin for every piece of jewelry you sell to her. The value might decrease if you try to sell her multiple jewelry in a day, therefore it’s recommended to sell her 1-2 per week rotation in the game.
You’ll need:
Unlock the jewelry table from the technologies menu (‘Precious Little Things’ blueprint). Gold jewelry details can be made at the jewelry table with gold ingot, steel parts and faith. Gold ore can be found in the dungeon and can be used to make gold ingot. You’ll need the Furnace III.