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Mighty No. 9: New Funding Campaign, Animated Series and Possible Price


A new announcement for the game Mighty No. 9 has been revealed, and it was quite shocking for a lot of users, due there’s a new funding campaign for the game. The first kickstarter funding was a huge git, beating $4.000.000 from the $900.000 asked.

This campaign is dedicated to allow people to prepurchase the game, and support a full English dub for the game, and also, add more content for the game. Now, the prepurchase price of the game is $23, meaning the game will cost around $30, or maybe, a little more.

The guys at Comcept also made a deal with Digital Frontier, where they’re aiming to do an animated series based in the game. Thanks to Jools Watsham (developer of Renegade Kid), there’s confirmed they won’t use the money for the game for the anime, as he wrote in his blog article:

Anime Project: Digital Frontier approached Comcept about making the Mighty No.9 anime. No money from the original KS has or will be spent on it. Perhaps waiting until the game was near-finished would have been better timing, but it is separate from the development of the game in every way.

New Funding: This is a way to achieve two things, 1. Allow new backers to pre-order the game, and 2. Use those funds to add additional content to the game.

The original KS campaign is covering the cost of development of the originally promised game. These new opportunities offer the potential of new content.

You can see the announcement below:

And the animated series trailer below:

Eric Weichhart
Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.
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