New Miiverse Update

Published on September 10th, 2014 by Eric Weichhart


Miiverse received aย new update that will add new features and change old ones andย you can read a short log before choosing to update:

  • Post-filtering has been updated featuring four categories: “All Posts”, “Player Posts”, “Screenshot Posts” and “Posts with a tag”.
  • Like I mentioned, the “Screenshot Posts” tag is new.
  • A reminder has been added for the saved posts feature in the 3DS version of the service.
  • The layout of the User Page has been updated in the web version.

If you like to read, you can read the official announcement below :

There has been an update to Miiverse today.

1) The post-filtering function in communities has been updated in the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions of Miiverse. There are now just two tabs: Player Posts and Popular Posts. You can select Player Posts to filter posts further according to the following categories:
– All Posts (no filtering)
– Player Posts
– Screenshot Posts
– Posts with a tag (“Question”, “Impressions”, “Accomplishment”, etc.)

The ability to filter for Screenshot Posts is new.

2) A reminder function has been added to the Saved Posts feature in the Nintendo 3DS version of Miiverse. When you have posts saved in the Saved Posts list, you will now see a notification on the Communities screen saying the following: “There are posts in the Saved Posts list, which you can check here.” Select the notification to open your Saved Posts list, and you can post directly from there to your Activity Feed.

3) We’ve updated the layout of the User Page in the web version of Miiverse. There is now a Profile Settings option, as in the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions of Miiverse. Also, the Favourite Post is now bigger than it was previously.

That’s it for today!

About Eric Weichhart

Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.