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New Nintendo Games Humble Bundle Now Available

The next Humble Bundle is now available and this time to brings 3DS and Wii U games to the table for whatever price you choose to pay. Known as ‘Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle’, 3DS and Wii U gamers can get select Nintendo games for an affordable price tag with a bulk purchase discount.

If you were wondering, Humble Bundle is an online organization that sells “bundles” of games and gives the proceeds to charities. Nintendo has partnered up with Humble Bundle to bring many countries the second Nintendo Humble Bundle. The first was called “The Humble Nindie Bundle” and it included only Indie titles such as Steam World Dig, Mighty Switch Force, Stealth inc. 2 and many others; this first bundle was region locked to only North America.

Similar to most humble bundles, there are three sections of games depending on how much you pay.

If you pay $1 (below the average amount), you will get:

  • Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)
  • Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS)
  • Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (3DS and Wii U)

If you pay more than the average amount (currently $9.54), you gain access to more games :

  • Citizens of Earth (3DS or Wii U)
  • Freedom Planet (Wii U)
  • Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure(3DS)
  • Retro City Rampage: DX Nintendo 3DS HOME Menu Theme
  • (More games will be added to this list on May 2, 2016 at 11 AM Pacific time)

Those who choose to go higher and pay $13 or more will get two more games along with all of the others:

  • Super Street Fighter 4: 3D Edition (3DS)
  • Darksiders 2 (Wii U)

The proceeds of these bundles will go to SOS Children’s Villages and, including Nintendo and the Humble Bundle team although you’re given the choice of where and how your money is used. 

A full list of available countries can be found here.

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3dsatackman is a Canadian Nintendo fan, and long time member at 3dspedia. He loves RPGs, First Person Shooters, and even a good time management game.
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