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3DS News

Pokémon X/Y and ORAS update



Hack-free players rejoice! As many of you will have noticed by now, a new update for the generation 6 games was released on April 1. A lot of players complained about the Pokémon Company doing nothing to stop the hacks, well, you’ve been heard! The update is mandatory (no online features until you update) and said to patch numerous exploits, including users being able to create or modify their Pokémon. As for ORAS it should also fix some bugs. The update requires 246 blocks for Pokemon X and Y, as for Pokemon ORAS it is 271 blocks. The update bring Pokémon X and Y to version 1.4 and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire to version 1.4. The bad (or good, for some) news? Powersaves still works perfectly fine.

Technical details on the update as released by Nintendo:

  • Pokémon X and Y: click
  • Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: click
PersonSP is a write-a-holic with a great love for games.
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