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3DS Game Reviews

Quell Memento Review (3DS eShop)

Quell Memento Review

Title: Quell Memento
Developer: FK Digital / Fallen Tree Games Ltd
Publisher: CIRCLE Ent.
Release date: 16 January 2015 (NA)/ 9 April 2015 2015 (EU)

Most puzzlers nowadays put time pressure on you or make everything extraordinary complicated. Quell Memento is a shining beacon of light for those who love puzzlers focussed on… puzzling! The first start screen immediately charmed me; it is a puzzle. It’s very simple, you get no hints on how to play it yet you instantly know. What a way to get in the flow of the game.

The music is a great compliment to the game. Beautiful melodies on piano and strings play as you move through the game. The tone is relaxed and it is easy to listen to and contrary to so many other games there enough variation in melodies and they are long enough to not become repetitive -a pleasure for the ear.  There are also lots of little details to hear, songbirds amongst them.

It is clear the game was made with love. There are 150 levels, lots of details and hidden everywhere are little neat references. In the achievements for instance we can find  “Spirited Away”, “Illuminate” and “Hadron Collider” Same goes with the level names, which also appear to tell a story. Sadly this story is a bit vague. It seems like you are helping out an old guy by sorting out his attic- and his memories. Hidden in the levels are pictures and along with the tittles and cutscenes they tell the story. Speaking (writing?) of those; You can rewatch cutscenes. Every chapter has some voice acting which acts as a cutscene. It really suits scene, an old -British- though slightly “digital” voice whose comments tell the story. What really did disturb me though, is that the subs not always at the same pace the voice might have faded  before they pop up. Quite annoying.

Quell Memento Gameplay (3DS eShop)   Quell Memento Gameplay (3DS eShop)

What I really like about this game is that it allows you to choose how you play. It is easy to get through, yet challenge enough when trying to get achievements, hidden objects or use the minimum moves. You get through quickly- if you don’t care for perfect scores and jewels. If you’re up for a challenge you can spend hours on end in the wonderful world of the game. The game can be casual and a brainpain, depending on your mood and what you want to achieve.

Sadly the game also has some let-downs. It is very clear that the game was not originally build for the 3ds. The buttons can be used in the game but a lot of functions are touchsreen only. But as expected, all essentials are perfectly playable with the buttons. The game also completely ignores the possibilities of the 3ds by not ever using the 3D function. Of course it is not needed for a puzzler but it’s a bit of a pity too. Then again, those are the only real cons to the game and are very easy to overlook.

As a last a word about the visuals. While they are not stunning, they’re certainly not bad.The backgrounds are simple but pretty, with little drops of water slowly finding their way down. It all suits the relaxed mood of the puzzler.

So, a short recap: A fantastic game in classical style with great music arrangements. Some minor downs but overall a must-have for all who love a bit of a puzzle frenzy.

Overall Score: 7.5/10

Quell Memento Review

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PersonSP is a write-a-holic with a great love for games.
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