Stella Glow: Meet the Harbingers

Published on October 26th, 2015 by Spinnerweb

Upcoming SRPG Stella Glow’s villainess, Hilda the Witch of Destruction, can wreak quite a bit of havocย on her own, but to assist her she’s got a world-class pack of crazy-evil allies with her, called the Harbingers.
Harbingers 7
First up, there’sย Dante, Hilda’s right-hand man and spearman extraordinaire. His likes include cruelty towards people who did him no wrong and running his spear through anyone who annoys him. Likely both at the same time.
Then there’s Dorothy. Oh, this is a crazy one, this is. She has a chainsaw as her main weapon and a bunny outfit of dubious origin. Finally, there’s Hrodulf, who seems to be slightly more sane than his two comrades but since he’s an axe-wielding Herculean dude, you don’t want to be in his bad books, which is exactly what our hero Alto and his companions are.
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Stella Glow, Imageepoch’s last game, comes out inย North Americaย on November 17th. No European release date has been announced.

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