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Talking Phrasebook – 7 Languages – Review

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Ever wanted to go in another European country without having to bother learning the language? Well, let me tell you immediately: this app is for you. Of course, it offers just the bases for many languages, but in any case, it’ll be helpful if you plan on travelling somewhere in Europe.

The application is relatively small: When you start it, you get on the title screen (seems legit). There are 6 flags on it, and those depend on the language of your 3DS system. In my case, since my 3DS is a French system, I had the German flag, the Dutch one, the English one, the Italian one, the Portuguese one and finally the Spanish one.


The interface is really basic, but it gets the job done. You simply select a theme, then you select a phrase. When you have selected a phrase, you can see it translated in both your language, and in another language (depending on which flag you touched). However, there is a slight con: the 3DS have a very slight yet noticeable lag.


If you don’t know how to pronounce something, you can also touch the megaphone below the translation to get the 3DS to say it. But here comes another con: The voice sounds kind of weird, and is sometimes a bit too fast to keep up with. Of course, that’s something to expect if you go in another country, most of its inhabitants will speak fluently. But in the case where you just want to learn a language or something, it might get a bit confusing.


On another note, this app features a lot of phrases, and that’s nice. As I said, all of the phrases are classified by theme, but if we add them all, that makes quite a lot.

This app is a nice one, and doesn’t give you Google Translation-quality phrases. Of course it features a weird voice and slight lag, but the interface is user-friendly, and there are many phrases and themes to choose between, and the app supports 6 different languages (the 7th being your system’s language). So, while it might not be useful for a regular user, people who needs to travel in other European countries will find this app to be really useful.

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Proud owner of a 3DS and a Wii U, his first console was the GameCube.
He enjoys games like Super Smash Bros., Monster Hunter, and Mario Kart.
He also enjoys RPGs like Persona or Pokémon, and is a fan of Xenoblade.
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