A new trailer has been revealed showing off some of Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains’ gameplay. Take note that there are spoilers if you have not seen/read the anime/manga.
Similar to the anime, you’ll find yourself striking Titan’s weak points while trying to avoid being caught. That’s not all folks. Not only can you slash Titans into bits, you can also save teammates either it be online or local co-op from a Titan’s wrath. Sometime during the gameplay, you should also expect to duke it out with another Titan.
Enough talk, see the trailer below :
The trailer also reveals some areas in the game that were in the anime/manga :
- Wall Maria
- Trost District
- Beyond the Wall and Forest of Giant Trees
In addition, character customization is also possible. You will have the ability to create your very own character and select from a variety of weapons to use to bring down Titans.
No set release date has been revealed for the game’s North America release, however, we do know that it is expected to launch on the eShop in May, 2015.