In Shin Megami Tensei IV, Flynn, the default name of the protagonist in the game, has the ability to equip different weapons and armor.
Equipped armor is reflected on the visual hero, according to Dengeki. They’re not only used to make the character look good. They also affect the character’s five stats – strength, technique, demon, speed, and luck.
Types of Armor in Shin Megami Tensei IV :
Helmets increase your status, HP or MP. Upper body armor increases your resistance, as well as HP or MP. Lower body armor increases your status, HP or MP, and accessories can increase HP, MP or have special effects.
Weapons and Fighting In Shin Megami Tensei IV
The method of attack also changes when you change the type of weapon that you use. For example, if Flynn switches out his sword for a spear, he lunges forward with a thrust when he uses his next attack. If he keeps the sword to attack, he slashes whatever is in his path.